Frisly Soberanis is a director and producer from Queens, New York via Guatemala. His work explores separation, distance and the migrant experience. His short documentary Yo Se Que es Pandemia (2021) premiered at Rooftop Film Festival and with New Filmmakers LA.
His producing work includes titles like Little Sky (2021) which was awarded the Carl Lerner Award for Film With Social Significance, and was screened internationally. Most recently, he was a producer for the short film Roots that Reach Towards the Sky, directed by Jess X Snow, and supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and Sundance Institute, that is set to premiere in 2024.
Soberanis has also received support from Tribeca Film Institute, the Center for Cultural Power, the Nelson Mandela Foundation. He was one of the Open Society Foundation’s Photo Documentary Fellows and the AIR at the Hemispheric Institute. His work has shown at ENCUENTRO @ el Centro de Cultura Digital (CCDMX) in Mexico City, the Hilversum Museum and Tribeca Family Day, Philadelphia Latino Film Festival and with Con Cámaras Y Sin Papeles @ LA Latino International Film Festival.